Making Pumpkin Puree

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! Now that the weather has finally started to cool down here and fall is in full swing I am excited to share some three recipes that use pumpkin! First up is Pumpkin Puree, stop using canned puree and make your own this fall,

Now, when you think of pumpkins I am sure you are getting a very specific image in your head. Big, round and orange, ready to be made into Cinderella’s coach. The truth is any hard skinned squash can be called a pumpkin. Why? There actually is not a botanical distinction that makes a pumpkin a pumpkin. There are actually hundreds of edible squashes and pumpkins, most winter squashes belong to the Cucurbita moschata, C. maxima, and C. pepo species. The best pumpkins for making pie filling are from Cucurbita moschata and C. Maxima because they have thicker, more flavorful flesh.

Pumpkin Pie Pumpkins

For these recipes I will be using Pie Pumpkins, they are also called New England Pie Pumpkins, Small Sugar Pumpkins, Sweet Pumpkins or Sugar Pumpkins. When picking out pie pumpkins look for ones that are small, that are firm, heavy with dull skin. I know, we always look for the pretty, glossy produce but trust me, you want dull skin! As pumpkins age their skin becomes more dull but the flesh becomes sweeter.

Making your own pumpkin puree is so easy, you only need two ingredients! Be sure to use a freshly sharpened knife to cut your pumpkins, I like to cut mine a little off center because it gives me a bit more stability.

Yield: 6 cups
Pumpkin Puree

Pumpkin Puree

Creamy pumpkin puree!
Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 1 HourTotal time: 1 H & 15 M


  • 2 small pumpkins 
  • Water as need 


  1. Preheat your oven to 325 degrees 
  2. Cut the pumpkins in half using a very sharp knife. 
  3. Scoop out the insides using a spoon. 
  4. Place pumpkins cut side down on a baking sheet covered in parchment or foil. 
  5. Using a sharp knife cut slashes at least 1/2 inch deep into the pumpkin. this will help steam escape. 
  6. Bake between 60-90 minutes, checking after an hour, once a knife slides easily through the pumpkin it is done. 
  7. Let the pumpkins cool until you can easily handle them and then scoop all the flesh from the skin. 
  8. Pulse the pumpkin flesh in a food processor until very smooth, adding water a teaspoon at a time if the puree begins to get stuck. 
  9. Be sure not to over fill the food processor or the puree will not be smooth. 

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)


I love making pumpkin butter, it simple to make, lasts a while in the fridge and freezes well. Plus, it is much cheaper to make at home!

Pumpkin Butter uses pantry staples like brown sugar and apple cider vinegar.

Spread pumpkin butter on toast for a morning treat!

Yield: 24
Pumpkin Butter

Pumpkin Butter

Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 30 MinTotal time: 35 Min


  • 3 cups pumpkin puree 
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 
  • 1 cup brown sugar, or equivalent sweetener of choice  
  • 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice 
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon 
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla paste or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 


  1. Combine all ingredients in a medium size pot with a cover. 
  2. Brig to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. 
  3. Cover the pot and reduce the heat to low and cook for 30-40 minutes until very thick, stirring occasionally to ensure it does not stick. 
  4. Cool completely before storing in a container in the refrigerator for up to a month. Freeze up to 3 months.  

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)


Pumpkin puree helps make this pasta extra creamy with a hint of sweetness.

This pasta is one of my fall favorites that I have been making for years.

Yield: 8-10
Pumpkin Pasta

Pumpkin Pasta

Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 20 MinTotal time: 35 Min


  • 1 lb. penne pasta, cooked al dente  per package directions
  • 1 lb. Italian sausage
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon sage, minced
  • 2 cups pumpkin puree 
  • 1/2-3/4 cups half & half
  • 1 cup parmesan cheese, divided


  1. Heat a large pan under medium heat. 
  2. Cook sausage until browned, about 5 minutes. 
  3. Removed sausage from the pan with a slotted spoon. 
  4. Cook the onions for 4 minutes, until soft but now browned. Be sure to lower the heat if the onions begin to brown. 
  5. Add the sage and garlic and cook until fragrant, about 2 minutes. 
  6. Add the sausage and pumpkin puree to the pan and stir until everything is well combined. 
  7. Add the lesser amount of  half & half and mix until fully incorporated. If the sauce seems too thick add a bit more half & half. 
  8. Once the sauce begins to bubble add the parmesan cheese and stir until melted. 
  9. Add the cooked pasta to the pan and mix until everything  is well coated. 
  10. Heat for 3-4 minutes. 
  11. Serve immediately with additional cheese. 

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)


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Halloween Party Food!