JUST Egg Review

Hello everyone, I am so happy to be introducing Telly’s Reviews! Here I will be reviewing new products I find at my local grocery store, if you have a product that you are interested in having me review be sure to leave it in the comments below!

My first review is going to be of JUST Egg, which is an egg substitute that is completely plant based! Eggs can occasionally upset my stomach so I am always on the lookout for a good egg substitute and when I saw an ad for JUST Egg I knew I had to try it.

What is JUST Egg made of?

JUST Egg is made from mung beans, which contain a protein that tastes and scrambles like eggs. So what are mung beans? Mung beans are a type of edible seed of the legume plant family, they are a great source of vitamin B-9, also known as folate. Mung beans are a protein-rich legume that has been cultivated around the world for thousands of years and is a staple in many global cuisines. Mung beans are a sustainable crop and are rich in potassium, magnesium and dietary fiber. JUST Egg gets its egg-yolk golden color naturally from turmeric and carrot. It is also cholesterol-free and allergy-friendly

How do you cook JUST Egg?

You cook JUST egg like like an egg! 3 tablespoons of JUST egg is equal to one egg. Preheat a nonstick pan over medium heat with a small amount of oil or butter, I used coconut oil. Pour desired amount of JUST Egg into the hot pan. As the JUST Egg begins to cook and set, use a rubber spatula to gently pull the mixture across the pan and turn over toward the center, forming large curds.

How much protein does JUST Egg Have?

JUST Egg and chicken eggs have a similar protein content. JUST Egg has 5 grams protein/serving, JUST Egg Folded has 7 grams protein/serving and a chicken egg has about 6 grams protein.

My Review

I bought JUST Egg from my local Target, it was $3.99 for a 12 ounce bottle, which has about 12 servings. JUST Egg needs to remain refrigerated and needs to be used within 7 days of opening.

JUST Egg omelette with mushrooms, spinach, red onion and soy cheese, toast and an apple.

The first thing I made with JUST Egg was an omelette, JUST egg has a ton of recipes on their website and I followed this recipe from their website. I used chopped mushrooms, spinach, red onions and soy cheese. I followed the directions for extra fluffy omelettes and whisked in a bit of flour and baking powder to the JUST Egg. I cooked the as directed and found it really easy to follow and it flipped very easily and did not break.

Flavor: The omelette was very flavorful, it really did taste just like eggs!

Texture: The texture was light, fluffy and slightly spongy, it was slightly dry but think that is because I overcooked it a little, I was a bit hesitant to flip them but in the future I think it would be better to flip more quickly.

Scramble toast with veggie bacon and apple slices.

The next thing I made with my JUST egg were scrambled egg toasts. I make these with regular eggs often for breakfast so I was interested in making them with JUST Egg.

I used coconut oil and followed the direction for JUST Egg scramble. It was easy to cook with a pinch of salt and while it came together a little slower than traditional eggs it really did scramble like chicken eggs! I toasted sandwich bread with a bit of cheese and then topped the toast with the scramble and a drizzle of Japanese mayonnaise, I then baked the toasts for a little longer and topped them with chopped green onions.

Flavor: These tasted like the toasts I make with traditional eggs! I was so surprised, it actually tasted better than the toasts with chicken eggs.

Texture: JUST Egg had the same texture as chicken eggs, they were fluffy and honestly I am not sure I could tell them apart just on looks!

I am definitely a fan of JUST Egg, as of writing this I am on my third bottle. I think they are a wonderful substitution for chicken eggs and I am excited to try baking with JUST Egg.

I hope this review was helpful and again if there is product please comment below.
